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Tuesday 24 May 2011

Small Business, Business Card Ideas

As a regular attendee of networking events, I gather a few business cards. Well, 10 folders worth actually! I was flicking through them the other day and saw some great ones and even more bad ones. The overriding thought was that most of them really didn’t make the most of the space that was available to them. I know they are only small but you would be amazed what dome people can get on them and how effective this little, inexpensive marketing tool can be! So I wanted to compile my findings and let you know about some of the best concepts I found on a variety of business cards!

1)  What You Do
So simple but so effective. Your USP should feature on your card or at least the line of work you are in. Give them a reason to call you. It is likely they have met a lot of people and you need to jolt their memory when they review the cards they have collected that day. Keep it short and punchy – bullet points are great too.

2) Testimonial
Nothing looks better than a short sharp comment from one of your current customers. Try to pick a short quote that sums up the service you provide. This can be even better if you attach a figure or percentage to it. For example:

                        “We saved over 45% on our monthly bill with Company ABC”
                        “After using company XYZ our sales rose by 25%”

A key bit of advice is to ensure the company quoted knows what you are using the quote for and you can obviously substantiate what is said!

3)  Offer
Another great idea I came across was the idea of an exclusive offer thus turning your business card into a valued voucher. The most frequently used were a free consultation or 25% of your first order. This give the person something of a value after just meeting you.

4)  Links
Finally I would look at creating a hidden page on your website which can only be reached by typing in a “secret” (people love secrets!) URL. This could take them to a video, an exclusive offer or a useful document. This is a great way to carry on the conversation and get people to your website.

I hope this has given you a bit of food for thought and don’t forget Igneous Marketing can advise, design and print all of your business card and office stationary needs.

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